Nootka people
Nootka people

nootka people

In exchange they wanted knives, chisels, nails, buttons and any kind of metal. The Nootka offered various animal skins for trade, particularly the sea otter, but also offered such goods as carvings, spears and fish hooks. On March 31, Cook anchored in Resolution Cove and while repairs on the ships continued, trading took place between the natives and Cook’s men.

nootka people

As Cook’s ships arrived the Nootka people came out to meet them in canoes: this meeting was the first cultural exchange here between one of the more powerful First Nation’s groups and Europeans. On March 29, 1778, in search of the Northwest Passage, Captain James Cook with two vessels, the Resolution and the Discovery sailed into Nootka Sound looking for a sheltered bay in which to make repairs. This exploration oversight would later prove costly to Spain. Because the Spanish did not actually land and then take formal possession, the British would not acknowledge Spanish sovereignty over the area. Here he traded with the First Nations people for furs, but made no landing. In 1774 the Spanish became the first Europeans to sight the entrance of Nootka Sound when the Santiago, out of Monterey and under Captain Juan Perez, anchored off Nootka at Estevan Point which he named Punta San Esteban after one of his officers Esteban Jose Martinez. Editorial courtesy of Nootka Sound Serviceīy Bernard Cobin, B.A., John Sharpe, B.A.

Nootka people